
How Your Race and Class Make It More (or Less) Likely to Find a Therapist

How Your Race and Class Make It More (or Less) Likely to Find a Therapist

If you're a person of color or in the working class and have tried to find a psychotherapist, chances are you had a much harder time reaching one than an upper middle class, white person would have. At least that was the conclusion of one study from the Journal of Health and Social Behavior,

Hello World!


Welcome to my first blog post for my new private practice psychotherapy endeavor. I will update this periodically-- I'm thinking weekly to biweekly-- with some of thoughts on living a meaningful life.

Writing is in many ways my first love. I always had dreams of being a great poet or essayist but life pushed me in a different direction. But writing is something I still do and want to do, and I hope to keep doing it on this blog and maybe, just maybe write a few books. Let's see what the future brings. Until then, let's just start with one post at a time.