
Food, Meditation, Exercise and... Economic Class.

Food, Meditation, Exercise and... Economic Class.

I’ve just finished a slew of books on the environment and neuroscience in the last month. They include:

All of them are worth a read, except maybe “Healthy Brain, Happy Life,” which turns into a “Sex In The City” memoir-type for many of its pages. There is also a very common theme in all of them: eat well and avoid processed foods that are environmentally damaging; meditate to find peace of find; and exercise for emotional well-being.

How Your Race and Class Make It More (or Less) Likely to Find a Therapist

How Your Race and Class Make It More (or Less) Likely to Find a Therapist

If you're a person of color or in the working class and have tried to find a psychotherapist, chances are you had a much harder time reaching one than an upper middle class, white person would have. At least that was the conclusion of one study from the Journal of Health and Social Behavior,