
The Anxious, College-Educated Millennials

The Anxious, College-Educated Millennials

A quick blog post before I head out and enjoy the beautiful weather...

I've noticed a trend recently. I don't have any evidence besides anecdotal evidence though, so I've been hesitant to share my thoughts. But yesterday was a tipping point.

Anyway to the thesis: 

Millennials are anxious as hell. I know, I know, everyone is anxious as hell. But there is a particular strand of college-educated, millennial anxiety that seems born from our shitty neoliberal, unequal society. 

This anxiety comes from an odd place. It's often about productivity. Productivity is the mandate of capitalism. So many millennials are constantly worried about output in every aspect of their lives. It's as if the model of the factory worker has seeped into every aspect of our lives. And productivity and hard work are the symbols of meritocracy that doesn't really exist.

The lie that these millennials seem to believe more fiercely than older patients is that America is a place of equal opportunity. They believe that everyone is on an equal playing field and that if they work hard enough, their finances and status will improve. That's a lie for a lot of reasons, which I don't want to get into here, but upward mobility has been pretty nonexistence in America for quite a long time. But there is an implicit belief among the younger generation that the more you achieve, the better you are. One's self-worth then is directly tied to what one does and not who one is. 

Getting Unstuck: 5 Ways to Pull Yourself Out of a Rut When You've Become Complacent

Getting Unstuck: 5 Ways to Pull Yourself Out of a Rut When You've Become Complacent

Recently I’ve been in one of my better creative periods in quite a long time. I have been reading more, as well as writing every day and planning a future podcast.  When I noticed how productive I had been, I wasn’t quite sure how it happened.

You see, I was in a rut for awhile. No new projects were being planned. Books were started and unfinished. I was enjoying a few too many beers and not enough time at the gym. I wouldn’t quite call it depression. I had just grown complacent.

SMART Goals and Productivity in Charles Duhigg "Smarter Faster Better"

It's been awhile, blog. Life has been busy. One of my goals in the near future is to post more, and realistically short, smaller posts are the way to go for now. Speaking of goals...

I've been reading and listening to a lot of articles and podcasts about productivity. One idea that has been helpful is the idea of a SMART goal in Charles Duhigg's "Smarter Faster Better." SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timeline. This differs from a Stretch goal, which I will discuss in another post.

The problem is that a traditional to-do list isn't very useful. It's easy to cross off a bunch of items on your list that are small, easy tasks, leaving you with a sense of accomplishment. But often times, we focus on tasks that don't really apply to what we really want to accomplish daily. Plus a traditional to-do list doesn't give much of a plan on how to achieve something. THE SMART goal is much better way to be productive about the things you care about. 

So how does it work? Well let me give you an example. As I said, I want to write more on this blog. Let's use that as an example: 

Specific Goal: I will write a blog post once a week for the next two months.

Measurable: It has to be within a Monday-Sunday time frame. 

Achievable: If I write for 1-2 hours a week, it is more than achievable.

Realistic: Yes, I think so. If I said 5 blog posts a week, that might not be very realistic. 

Timeline: I'd like to work on this goal, 1-2 hours a week on the weekends. 

It's as simple as that. It's been very useful for me thus far as well. Next week, I will talk about why the SMART goal isn't enough and introduce the idea of stretch goals. 

I'm a psychotherapist in Brooklyn, NY. Please contact me at 347-927-4856 or You can look at my blog for more information.