Jimmy Santiago Baca

The Wound Is The Place Where the Light Enters You

The Wound Is The Place Where the Light Enters You

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

― Jalaluddin Rumi

I just wanted to briefly follow up on the Jimmy Santiago Baca poem I posted last week, "What is Broken Is What God Blesses." It's a lovely poem not only for its imagery-- how lovely is the phrase " the addict’s arm seamed with needle marks/ is a thread line of a blanket/frayed and bare from keeping the man warm"-- but for its theme of suffering.

What Is Broken Is What God Blesses

What Is Broken Is What God Blesses


I'm out of commission today because of dental surgery, so I don't have the strength or energy to write too much today. So instead I wanted to share this lovely poem I read recently by Jimmy Santiago Baca with you all. My next blog will be about the themes discussed in the poem on Tuesday. Enjoy! 

What Is Broken Is What God Blesses

Jimmy Santiago Baca, 1952

 The lover’s footprint in the sand
 the ten-year-old kid’s bare feet